
Champagne Chicken

Since becoming a mom I have not had much time to go out and par-tay with my friends. I have actually become very good at drinking at home (usually by myself but that is a whole other story). I love to have a couple glasses of wine while catching up on my DVR'd shows or watching a movie. I made this dish after Christmas as we had half a bottle of champagne leftover (yes, I was the one who drank the other half by myself). I hated wasting all that delicious bubbly and found this recipe on Food.com and I am really glad I tried it. The sauce was a little thin so next time I will add some cornstarch to thicken it. I also think it could have used some veggies in it, mushrooms, onions and peas would be delicious with the sauce. Again, it passed the husband test (which is the true test in my household) so it's definitely worth trying!!

Source: Food.com

8 (8oz) pieces boneless skinless chicken breasts (I had 1.2lbs of chicken breasts)
1 package sliced mushrooms
Frozen peas (maybe 1 cup)
1 onion, chopped
1/3 cup flour
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp white pepper (I just used regular pepper)
1/4 cup butter
2 tsp olive oil 
1 1/2 cups champagne
1 cup whipping cream (I used half and half)
1 tsp ground rosemary
1 tsp chopped parsely (I omitted b/c I didn't have it)

1. Flatten chicken and dust with flour, salt, and pepper (I just sliced the breasts in half horizonatally). In a very large skillet melt butter and olive oil together over medium heat.

2. Add the chicken, mushrooms and onions and saute 5 minutes, turn chicken over and add the champagne and cook for another 12-15 minutes.

3. Add the peas, cream, rosemary, and cornstarch and cook until thickened. Serve over noodles or rice.

1 comment:

  1. OMG this was fantastic! I cooked everything and then baked it in a big dish. Easy and tasty - thank you!!
